
September 2002

by Raymond Poon

As Internet is becoming the essential path for communications, both the number of applications and the data volume they generate deplete Internet bandwidth rapidly. These include normal network application programs such as FTP, Web, video services as well as other personal applications such as KaZaA ...

by Raymond Poon

Over the past few years, a number of "peer-to-peer (P2P)" file-sharing applications have emerged to enable sharing or swapping of files among participants of a community (or members of a network). A computer can become a participant of a community by running any one of the applications specially ...

June 2002

by Joe Lee

As a step towards a paperless campus, the Computing Services Centre (CSC) has successfully developed an on-line system for the submission of CSC Work Requests. Starting from 15 May 2002, all CSC Work Requests have to be submitted on-line. The new Web-based system is easy to use and accessible from ...