Local HPC Administrators and Experts Gathered at CityU to Exchange their Experience

by Noel Laam

On the sunny afternoon of 29 July 2021, the Special Interest Group for High-Performance Computing (SIGHPC) of the Joint Universities Computer Centre (JUCC) met at the City University of Hong Kong and visited CityU’s newly installed High-Performance Computing (HPC) facility, the CityU Burgundy.  The SIGHPC is set up to share knowledge and insights on high-performance computing.

During the tour, Mr Manfred Chan, Senior IT Manager of CityU, shared how the University’s data centre fitted in to support the stringent provision of the CityU Burgundy, and Dr Dominic Chien, Senior Scientific Officer of CityU, elaborated the apparatus and queuing design of the CityU Burgundy.

After the tour, the SIGHPC held a hybrid meeting to share the updated knowledge on HPC with institutions who could not join on-site, participants included:

The meeting adjourned at 5:30 pm.