Career Hackers


Virtual Experience is a job simulation platform that enables students from all backgrounds to upskill, while helping companies with global talent sourcing, employer branding and dynamic assessment. The aim of our platform is to reduce the unequal distribution of talents while creating business value.

In traditional recruitment, students from less privileged backgrounds experience an unfair disadvantage and may be screened out because they are not from target schools, have a non-local name, or simply lack access to the career know-how of applying to MNC graduate programmes, which limits their upward mobility. Our web-based simulation platform solves this by curating a series of hypothetical tasks based on real-life scenarios customised to each company’s job role (e.g. consulting, marketing, coding or stock trading). This allows students to learn job-specific skills and business etiquette through practical experience, increases their confidence and chance of getting a desired job, and helps them clarify their career interests.

Companies, on the other hand, struggle to attract quality applications for early hires, and the current recruiting channels tend to create expectation mismatches. These problems are exacerbated by the Great Resignation. With our platform, employers can attract a steady stream of applications at scale through automatic lead generation. Our candidates are of higher quality and have stronger interest, as they have a deeper understanding of job roles and the company through simulations. Employers can also take the opportunity to upskill their overall talent pool and expand their early talent pipeline.

After the simulation, students earn a certificate, which they can share on LinkedIn, which helps produce word-of-mouth branding for the company.



Team members

Mr Chan Sing-tok* (Undergrad, School of Law, CityU)

* Person-in-charge
(Info based on the team's application form)

  1. CityU HK Tech 300 Seed Fund (2022)