on funding cut
Prof H K Chang,
President, told CityU Students' Union representatives on 13 November that
he opposed any further budget cut in the coming triennium 2005-08 for
CityU, on top of the announced withdrawal of funding for the associate
degrees and the proposed cuts of approximately 10% in 2004-05. He said
that such a cut would definitely affect the quality of education for CityU
and could even jeopardize its fundamental mission. Any disproportionate
cut to the tertiary sector in the triennium 2005-08 would hurt the efforts
made over the past 20 years to develop higher education in Hong Kong.
He also said he understood
and sympathized the students' sentiments against funding cuts and had
confidence in their choice of an effective and rational method to express
their concerns; he urged them to be prudent in their action.
The Council's Executive Committee, on the initiative of the University
Management, endorsed, at its recent meeting on 10 November, two staffing
policies for the approval of the Council 24 November: an across-the-board
pay cut (3% + 3%) following the Civil Service practice, with effect from,
respectively, 1 January 2004 and 2005; and to launch a Departure Scheme
for substantiated superannuable staff on a voluntary basis.
The Executive Committee also
recommended to the Council to endorse, in principle, the Management's
general approach to deal with the impending financial constraints. Pending
further details from the University Grants Committee on the 2005ˇV08 triennium,
the University will further explore and refine the other proposals of
the Management Board's Core Group, with more staff inputs.
Final Report
The Council's Working Group on Associate Degree Programmes, chaired by
Mr S M Chung, Treasurer, submitted a final report in
which it has modified its major recommendation on staff remuneration in
2004-08. The report was sent to the Council Executive Committee on 10
November, which it approved in principle, and forwarded to the Council
for consideration on 24 November.
Prof David Tong,
Deputy President (Designate) was appointed as Deputy Chairman of Budget
Committee on 17 October. The group will carry out an overall review of
the budget system, the annual budget process, and the formula and model
used respectively for setting academic and non-academic budget. Various
holders of institutional budgets have also been asked to identify areas
where further savings can be made.
for SCM Dean
The Search Committee for the
Dean of School of Creative Media (SCM) will proceed with a shortlist of
four candidates, the President Prof H K Chang told the
SCM School Board on 4 November. The list was compiled by the Search Committee,
which includes SCM staff representatives. Prof Chang and his senior colleagues
met with a number of interested parties, nominated by the Search Committee,
during their trips to Europe, Australia and the United States over the
past few months. The new Dean, Prof Chang said, should come from "the
creative side of business" one who is preferably well-versed in the
emerging digital technology and its applications on art.
The School of Creative Media (SCM) is posied to enter a trilateral collaboration
with the University of Southern California's School of Cinema-Television
and the Beijing Film Academy. The "alliance" is built on a common
aspiration to expose future generations of media students for a wider
international perspective on the unique strengths and experiences each
member institution has to offer. SCM is expected to play a pivotal role
in the collaboration.
Prof Paul Chu,
Prof Haydn Chen, (AP), Prof Lau Tai-chu
(BCH) and Prof Y C Chan (EE), clinched four of the five
competitive NSFC-RGC Joint Research Scheme in New Materials Science, winning
HK$2.6 million in funding. Dr Zhou Nan, MKT, also wins
the only award in the management science category. In the 2003-04 round
of collaborative projects between local and mainland researchers, CityU
scored five successful bids in a total of 18 and accounted for 28% of
the total approved funding of HK$10 million. CityU's performance ranks
second among the eight institution. Prof Chu's project, with HK$687,400
funding, is the highest of all, even surpassing those in the life sciences
Dr Mark Hayllar, Associate Professor, SA, was awarded the
Eastern Regional Organization for the Public Administration's Plaque of
Recognition, an award for distinguished public administration practitioners
and academics in East Asia from Japan to Australia.
International Conference 2003: Ethnicity in Multicultural AsiaˇXTheory and
Findings, organized by Department of Applied Social Studies and the Southeast
Asia Research Centre, 27-29 Nov.
The second of the series, "Advances
in Surface Coating & Testing", organized by the Technology Transfer
Office, will take place 21 Nov, at 3pm, Hong Kong Productivity Centre.
The second of the Famous Scholars/Writers
Lecture Series, "The Art of Sun Tsz and Management", organized
by the Run Run Shaw Library and the Department of Management, will take
place Thursday, 4 December, at 4:30-5:30pm, at the Library's Reading/Seminar
Room. Renowned columnist Shum Yat-fei will speak.
(up to 14 November)
ˇE Dr Howard Leung,
Assistant Professor, CEIT
ˇE Ms Anne Scully-Hill, Associate Professor, SLW
ˇE Mr Frank Huang Xianfeng, Lecturer, SLW
ˇE Dr Henry Gao Shuchao, Lecturer, SLW

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