Gordon Wu on CityU
The new Council Chairman, Sir Gordon Wu,
paid his first familiarization visit on campus 11 February. He said he
was impressed with the achievements of CityU, strongly believing that
the value-added education we give, trains our students for the real world.
He reckons that among the challenges the University will face in the next
decade will be the switch to a four-year curriculum, an increase in student
population, cuts in public funding, shortage of space and the offering
of self-financing associate degrees. "Challenges also pose opportunities,"
he told the Management Board members. "I hope you continue the good
work you have been doing, and give the biggest bang for the buck"
in public funding. "I promise I¡¦ll do my best," he pledged
to help the University meet its funding challenges and the need for additional
space in the coming years. Sir Gordon also visited the School of Creative
Media and the Wireless Communications Laboratory, in addition to meeting
the Deans/Provost, representatives of the Law School and the College,
walking through the University Concourse. He also toured the student hostels
in the afternoon.
The planning of Academic Development Proposals (ADP) 2005¡V08
has started. The University Grants Committee (UGC) invited March submissions
from CityU, and the other seven funded institutions, with a letter received
in early February. This is the first time that the submissions from the
funded institutions will be critically examined according to their respective
role statements announced in late January. The UGC will set up a special
panel to review CityU¡¦s submission in a vigorous manner, according to
Prof David Tong, Deputy President. "Every programme,
existing and new, will be looked at critically and tough questions will
be asked." Meanwhile, Prof Edmond Ko, Vice-President
(Undergraduate Education) met with Deans and Department Heads to kick-start
the internal planning process. The University, said Prof Tong, expects
a slight increase in student numbers in the coming triennium. It will,
however, put up a competitive bid for the 800 top-up places for associate
degree holders that the UGC allows for 2005¡V08. Our strength is based
on our experience in this area.
As of 13 February, the day before the application deadline,
the Departure Scheme has received 87 applications. The Management Board
on 13 February decided to retain the application deadline of 14 February
for the Scheme, but late applications based on the merit of individual
cases may be accepted by the Advisory Committee. It also decided that,
in exceptional cases, if the date of departure for approved cases is extended
beyond the normal 30 June 2004 cut-off date, the extended period of service
will not be counted in the total length of service for calculating the
ex-gratia payment. At a briefing session on 16 January, staff members
raised some concerns about the inflexibility of the application date and
the extended service beyond the normal departure date. The University
has written to the Inland Revenue Department to secure an advance ruling
on tax exemption for the ex-gratia payment made under the Scheme.
The Management Board, in the meeting of 13 February, also
approved to revise the housing benefits to be provided to eligible staff
appointed on or after 1 July 2004. This is an interim arrangement before
the adoption of a "delinked" remuneration package, if applicable,
or before 30 June 2005, whichever is earlier. The revised benefits will
be the provision of either staff quarters for the contract duration, or
the initial period of appointment under superannuable terms. Alternatively,
when there are no vacant staff quarters available, a non-accountable cash
allowance from HK$8,000 to HK$15,000 per month will be provided in lieu.
The provision will be reviewed in due time in connection with the University¡¦s
approach to tackling anticipated funding cuts.
From 1 April 2002 to 30 June 2003, the University saw
a 24% increase in total income from outside practice, amounting to some
HK$26 million. This was mainly attributable to a rise in income from General
Education Work by academic and equivalent staff (24% up) and outside work
by general grade staff (18% up). The primary objective of outside practice
is to help achieve the mission of the University, resulting in benefits
to the University and the community. Outside practice comprises three
categories: General Education Work (teaching and other non-teaching activities),
Professional Services, and Commercial Exploitation of R & D Work.
Prof Stephen Cheung, Chair Professor
(EF), recently has been appointed member of the Economic and Employment
Council, HKSAR Government, for two years. He has also been re-appointed
as member of the Standing Committee on Company Law Reform for one year,
and as advisor to the Hong Kong Institute of Monetary Research, Hong Kong
Monetary Authority, for two years.
Ms Vanessa S W Liu,
PhD student, Ms Dimple Ramesh Thadani, year two student,
both in the Department of Information Systems, were each awarded a Sir
Edward Youde Memorial Scholarship.
The Reprographics Unit of CityU Press recently received two awards¡XSilver
Award in the Combined Printing Category; Bronze Award in the Electrostatic
Printing Category¡Xin the First Digital Printing Awards organized by the
Hong Kong Digital Printing Association.
more kudos
Yang Tong (MA)
has been given support for his project under the Joint Research Fund for
Hong Kong and Macao Young Scholars of the National Natural Science Foundation
of China, until December 2006.
Naming of the HSBC Prosperity Hall, 27 February, 3 pm,
Student Hostels, Cornwall Street.

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