Department of Media and Communication Center for Communication Research

How Do Secondary Countries Respond to the Soft Power Competition between the US and China during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Four Jurisdictions

20 Feb 2023 (Mon)

On February 20, 2023,  COM Ph.D. students and Post-doc shared their research on the COVID-19 pandemic in the department research seminar.  Dr. MENG Xiang analyzed how the divergent US and Chinese anti-virus approaches have influenced people's policy preferences in Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Japan. Mr. LIU Haodong Phil discussed changes in public attitudes toward COVID-19 containment policies in Hong Kong.  And Mr. ZHI Pei shared research on the COVID-19 conspiracy. This seminar is also a mock ICA presentation for students since all three research papers have been selected for the coming ICA annual meeting in Toronto, Canada. In addition to the heated discussion from all participants of the seminar,  faculty members including Dr. Marko SKORIC, Dr. Ye SUN, Prof. Fiona Nah, and Dr. Fen Lin all offered constructive suggestions on presentation skills.