College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
CLASS Research Cited in the Budget of the US Government FY2023

The research article of Prof Richard M WALKER, Dean of CityU’s College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, was cited in the US President Biden’s Fiscal Year 2023 Budget which was released on 28 March 2022. The research work titled “Does Strategic Planning Improve Organizational Performance? A Meta-Analysis” was cited in the chapter “Delivering a High-Performance Government” in one of the Budget volumes - “Analytical Perspectives”, as evidence to discuss the US Government’s use of strategic planning and priority goal-setting to define organisational effectiveness.  

Dean of CLASS Prof Richard M Walker's research on strategic planning has been cited in the US President’s budget. (Screenshot of the Budget) 

The meta-analysis on strategic planning was jointly written by Prof Bert GEORGE, Prof Richard M WALKER and Joost MONSTER, and it was the Winner of the 2019 Louis Brownlow Award from Public Administration Review. It discussed strategic planning as a successful management approach adopted in public and private organisations for its positive results on organisational performance. In the article, a meta-analysis of 87 correlations from 31 empirical studies and asks was undertaken to reveal that strategic planning has a positive, moderate, and significant impact on organisational performance. 

The citation made by the US President is definitely a recognition for the research efforts of Prof Walker and his research team. It also proves that the use of strategic planning can be effectively applied in the public sector and across international settings. The research findings show great impact on public policy and management, and encourage social scientists to explore at a deeper level in adopting strategic planning in public administration and the effective management of government.