4.1 雙喜圖
Magpies and Hare
崔白|Ts’ui Po

軸 絹本設色

Sung dynasty
Hanging scroll, ink and colors on silk 193.7cm (H) x 103.4cm (W)


The magpie is known for its ingenuity, gregarious nature, and tenacious protection of its territory from intruders. This painting depicts two magpies, one in the upper right corner about to land on a branch to assist the other, who is perched there bending down and spreading its wings in a display against the intrusive hare. Drawing an imaginary line from the upper magpie, through the tree, and down to the foreground, one would form an “S” shape, which not only integrates the composition but also gives it balance and ow. This scene is not something easily imagined in a studio or at home. The artist must have had years of artistic training and experience in the wilds to capture this naturalistic scene. Ts’ui Po, with his great artistic skill and keen observation, has taken the essence of this event and translated it onto a masterpiece of ne-line painting.

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