3.11 海怪圖記
Illustrated Album of Sea Oddities

冊 紙本設色

Qing dynasty
Album leaf, ink and colors on paper
33cm (H) x 22cm (W)


The artist(s) of this work are unknown. There are no inscriptions or other texts on it but a record seal of the reign of the Hsüan-t’ung Emperor (1908- 1911) does appear. Composed of 16 leaves, the album was painted with an extraordinary variety of colors to depict unusual and exotic sea life. Some of them appear to be based on actual species found in nature, while others look as if they are imaginative constructions, though it requires further research. The wooden cover of the album is engraved with the characters for the “wu-ch’en” cyclical year. Recurring every 60 years, the possible years include 1748, 1808, and 1868. Further research is, again, required to date this work more precisely.

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