3.1 奇異生物進化認識論
Vampyroteuthis infernalis
Louis Bec


Louis Bec(1936-2018年)是位藝術家和科學家,專於人工生命和三維技術,自稱為「動物系統分類學家」(zoosystematician)。他和哲學家Vilém Flusser合作,混合不同動物,加入虛構原素,創造一系列可能於現實出現的海洋生物。作品續補動物進化,模擬新的動物品種,強調新的動物形態,以及人工和大自然物種間的新溝通方式何以帶來進化。藝術家的電腦繪圖和錄像,與其網上刊物《動物系統分類學》(Zoosystémie)一同陳列。

Louis Bec (1936-2018) was both artist and scientist in the field of artificial life and 3D technologies. Describing himself as a zoosystematician, he partnered with the philosopher Vilém Flusser to develop a series of potential marine creatures that he endowed with chimerical and fictional characteristics. This extension of biological evolution and simulation of new life forms, focused on how evolution emerged from a unique search for new zoomorphic types and forms of communication between artificial and natural species. Bec’s computer graphic models and videos are accompanied by his online publication Zoosystémie.

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