2.3 畫青羊
Two Blue Sheep
朗世寧|Guiseppe Castiglione

清 Qing dynasty

軸 紙本設色 Hanging scroll, ink and colors on paper
217.6cm (H) x 191.8cm (W)


The blue sheep, also known as bharal, is a rare animal found in the northwest and northeast parts of China and Tibet. They can leap along high and steep rocky cliffs and their rarity made them prized tributes to the imperial court. The Italian missionary-artist Giuseppe Castiglione (Chinese name Lang Shining) has here not only successfully expressed the hardness and luminosity of their short horns, pure and bright brown eyes and curly fringe hairs, he has also vividly captured their movements, revealing his great skill in painting. The angular rock forms in the painting were added by other court artists, making this a fine collaboration between Chinese and western artists at the Painting Academy in the Qianlong reign. About two meters in height and width, it represents a tendency toward painting tribute subjects on a relatively large scale during the Qianlong dynasty.

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