1.10 歐洲動物園 - 生態奇趣
Animal Europe - Comic Physiology of Europe(L’Europe Animale - Physiologie Comique)
André Belloguet

1882 阿姆斯特丹大學圖書館特別收藏
Amsterdam University Library, Special Collections

OTM: HB-KZL 109.05.20
尺寸可變Dimensions variable

十九世紀末、二十世紀初盛行將歐洲各國比喻為各種動物。〈歐洲動物園 ﹣生態奇趣〉將歐洲各國化為一羣動物,每隻反映國家的形象特性,深刻隱喻當時政局。例如,英國羣島是隻靜伏敏銳的八爪魚,伺機轟擊歐洲大陸;法國是隻亢奮的公雞;德國是隻狡猾的狐狸,悠然伏在毗鄰奧匈帝國,一隻貪婪又焦慮的貓頭鷹之上;而俄國則是隻巨型白熊,正在吞噬一個代表奧圖曼帝國的牛角包。

The late-19th and early-20th century also saw many European national identities linked to the animal kingdom. In Animal Europe the artist Belloguet represents the countries of Europe through a menagerie of different animals, each reflecting perceived national traits and characteristics, with deep political overtones. For example, the British Isles takes on the form of an observant octopus ready to give electric shocks to the rest of Europe; France a wakeful cockerel; Germany a cunning fox resting amicably on its Austro-Hungarian neighbor, a greedy and anxious owl; and Russia a giant white bear eating a croissant representing Ottoman Empire.

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