
Showing 71 to 80 of 1091 results
Powerful new Ti-alloys using 3D printing
Super-strong, highly ductile and ultra-light alloys are now possible thanks to the innovative use of additive manufacturing according to a materials research team at CityU.
LSNS survey
A survey conducted by the Department of Management Sciences at CityU discovered that during the Covid-19 pandemic, older people in Hong Kong have a higher risk of social isolation, which makes them more likely to become sick, as their physical and mental health are affected.
Painless drug delivery via melting ice microneedle patches
A research team led by biomedical engineers at CityU has developed a new generation of microneedle patches made of ice that melt after the pain-free delivery of drugs.
World’s first new discovery of liquid directional steering in two centuries
CityU scientists have discovered that the spreading direction of different liquids deposited on the same surface can be steered, a challenge that had remained unsolved for over two centuries.

CityU excels on global top scientists list
According to metrics compiled by Stanford University, over 170 CityU faculty members are listed among the top 2% of the world's most highly cited scientists, reflecting the high academic standard of our faculty and our excellent research performance.
CityU’s new fast-track ventilation system can thoroughly filter Covid-19
A new ventilation system developed by a research team at CityU can thoroughly filter viral particles and quickly stop the spread of Covid-19 in the air and at low cost.
Flexible electronic sensors enable more exhaustive joint health monitoring
Joint disorders due to prolonged sedentary postures at work can now be effectively prevented and rehabilitated thanks to a new sensor developed at CityU.
2.	Prof Sun Dong elected as a Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts
Professor Sun Dong, Chair Professor and Head of the Department Biomedical Engineering at CityU, has been elected a Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in the Technical and Environmental Sciences class.
CityU “HK Tech 300” presents 1st two rounds of seed fund of HK$6.5 million and establishes science and technology innovation investment platform
Following its earlier announcement of the launch of the flagship innovation and entrepreneurship programme “HK Tech 300” with an allocation of HK$500 million, CityU held on 29 July the HK Tech 300 Seed Fund Presentation Ceremony, presenting seed funds with the total sum of HK$6.5 million.
 CityU researcher wins distinguished materials science award
Dr Xu Wanghuai, a recent PhD graduate in MNE, received the 2021 Materials Research Society Graduate Student Award (Silver) for his pioneering research on the development of a novel droplet-based electricity generator for advancing scientific research into water energy generation.

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