OBTL - Outcomes Based Teaching and Learning Fund

Past Grants

Since 2007, the University Grants Committee (UGC) has allocated a five-year funding to CityU for supporting the implementation of Outcomes Based Teaching & Learning (OBTL). The funding for the first three-year was distributed to Academic Departments to support OBTL implementation and related activities. As the OBTL implementation is now nearly completed, the OBTL funding will be allocated to Academic Departments to finance OBTL projects focusing on collecting evidence for assessment on the successful implementation of OBTL.


College/School Principal Investigator Project Title
CB Dr Vincent FOK Implementation of OBTL with Measurable Outcomes
Outcomes Assessment of OBTL Implementation in CSE Departments
SCM Dr Linda LAI
Outcomes Assessment (OA): Structuring "Negotiated Intended Learning Outcomes" and Forming a Value-rich Peer Community
Dr John HO OBTL in Law School - a Review in "OBTL Space"
Dept/Unit Principal Investigator Project Title
AIS Dr David CHAN Preliminary Pilot Project on the Assessment of Teaching & Learning Processes and Outcomes Based On the OBTL Mode
Dr CH SHEK Collection of Evidence of PILOs Attainment by Graduates
BC Dr LAM Heung Fai The Extension of Existing Web-Based Programme Management System in BC for Assessment of PILOs
Prof Lilian VRIJMOED Review of Assessment Practices According to Outcomes-based Principles for all BSc and MSc Programmes of the Department of Biology and Chemistry (BCH)
Mr Joseph F WONG Enhancement and Dissemination of the BST OBTL Curricula
Dr LI Xigen OBTL implementation and Assessment of Outcomes
Mr LEE Chan Hee Establishing Baseline Measurements for BSCCS PILOs
Dr Cecilia CHAN An Evaluation of the Achievement of Programme Intended Learning Outcomes by CTL Graduates
EE Dr CHAN Wing Shing Continued Funding for the Development and Implementation of PILOs Assessment in EE
Dr Raymond LAU Assessing the Outcomes and Impact of OBTL on Learning and Teaching in the Department of IS
Dr Ben LI A Longitudinal Investigation of the Concomitants of Student Achievement Outcomes