Sarana Nutanong is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at City University of Hong Kong. He received his PhD from the University of Melbourne. Before joining CityU in January 2014, he was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies between 2010 and 2012 and held a research faculty position at the Johns Hopkins University from 2012 to 2013. His research interests include scientific data management, data-intensive computing, spatial-temporal query processing, and large-scale machine learning. More specifically, his research is aimed at providing a large-scale, high-throughput support for computational scientific exploration applications, such as protein simulations and computational drug discovery.
Previous Experience
- Oct 2012 - Dec 2013, Assistant Research Scientist, Johns Hopkins University.
- Aug 2010 - Oct 2012, Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Maryland.
Research Grant
- A Distributed Framework and Schedulers for Data-Intensive Top-k Processing, SDG, City University of Hong Kong, Amount: HKD $100,000, Sep 2016 - Mar 2017, Sarana Nutanong (PI).
- Achieving Similarity Join Services for Outsourced Large Encrypted Datasets, Innovation and Technology Fund, Innovation and Technology Commission , Amount: HKD $1,655,673, Jun 2016 - Dec 2017, Cong Wang (PI), Sarana Nutanong (Co-I).
- Scalable Methods for Analytical Query Processing in Metric Spaces, SDG, City University of Hong Kong, Amount: HKD $100,000, Jun 2015 - Mar 2016, Sarana Nutanong (PI).
- A Hands-on Approach to Data-Intensive Computing: Bridging the Gap Between Undergraduate Education, Teaching Start-up Grant, City University of Hong Kong, Amount: HKD $100,000, 2014 - 2015, Sarana Nutanong (PI).
- A Scalable Framework for Rare Event Generations: A Data Science Approach to Scientific Data Management, Start-up Grant, City University of Hong Kong, Amount: HKD $350,000, 2014 - 2016, Sarana Nutanong (PI).
- Yu, Chenyun. , Nutanong, Sarana. , Hangyu, Li. , Wang, Cong. & Yuan, Xingliang. (Dec 2016). A Generic Method for Accelerating LSH-based Similarity Join Processing . IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. doi:10.1109/TKDE.2016.2638838
- Samet, Hanan. , Nutanong, Sarana. & Bruin, Brendan. C. (Sep 2016). Dynamic presentation consistency issues in smartphone mapping apps. Common. ACM. 59(9). 58 - 67. doi:10.1145/2971322
- Dai, Chengcheng. , Nutanong, Sarana. , Chow, Chi-Yin. & Cheng, Reynold. (Jun 2016). Entropy-based Scheduling Policy for Cross Aggregate Ranking Workloads . IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. doi:10.1109/TSC.2016.2586062
- Samet, Hanan. , Nutanong, Sarana. & Brendan, Fruin. C. (Apr 2016). Static presentation consistency issues in smartphone mapping apps. Common. ACM. 59(5). 88 - 98. doi:10.1145/2904378
- Nutanong, Sarana. , Tanin, Egemen. , Shao, Jie. , Zhang, Rui. & Ramamohanarao, Kotagiri. (2012). Continuous Detour Queries in Spatial Networks. TKDE. 24(7). 1201 - 1215.
- Nutanong, Sarana. , Jacox, Edwin. H. & Samet, Hanan. (2011). An Incremental Hausdorff Distance Calculation Algorithm. PVLDB. 4(8). 506 - 517.
- Nutanong, Sarana. , Zhang, Rui. , Tanin, Egemen. & Kulik, Lars. (2010). Analysis and evaluation of V*-kNN: an efficient algorithm for moving kNN queries. VLDBJ. 307 - 332.
- Nutanong, Sarana. , Tanin, Egemen. & Zhang, Rui. (2010). Incremental Evaluation of Visible Nearest Neighbor Queries. TKDE. 665 - 681.
- Nutanong, Sarana. , Zhang, Rui. , Tanin, Egemen. & Kulik, Lars. (2010). The V*-Diagram: a query-dependent approach to moving KNN queries. PVLDB. 1(1). 1095 - 1106.
Conference Paper
- Yu, Chenyun. , Nutanong, Sarana. , Li, Hangyu. , Wang, Cong. & Yuan, Xingliang. (Apr 2017). A Generic Method for Accelerating LSH-based Similarity Join Processing (Extended abstract). IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE).
- Nutanong, Sarana. , Yu, Chenyun. , Sarwar, Raheem. , Xu, Peter. & Chow, Dickson. (Dec 2016). A Scalable Framework for Stylometric Analysis Query Processing. IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM).
- Masud, Sarah. , Choudhury, Farhana. Murtaza. , Ali, Mohammed. Eunus. & Nutanong, Sarana. (Apr 2013). Maximum visibility queries in spatial databases. IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE). (pp. 637 - 648). doi:10.1109/ICDE.2013.6544862
- Mahmud, Hossain. , Amin, Ashfaq. Mahmood. , Ali, Eunus. Mohammed. , Hashem, Tanzima. & Sarana, Nutanong. (2013). A Group Based Approach for Path Queries in Road Networks. SSTD. (pp. 367 - 385).
- Nutanong, Sarana. , Carey, Nick. , Ahmad, Yanif. , Szalay, Alexander. S. & Woolf, Thomas. B. (2013). Adaptive exploration for large-scale protein analysis in the molecular dynamics database. SSDBM. (pp. 45 - 48).
- Nutanong, Sarana. , Marco, Adelfio. D. & Hanan, Samet. (2013). An efficient layout method for a large collection of geographic data entries. EDBT. (pp. 717 - 720).
- Masud, Sarah. , Choudhury, Farhana. Murtaza. , Ali, Eunus. Mohammed. & Nutanong, Sarana. (2013). Maximum visibility queries in spatial databases. ICDE. (pp. 637 - 648).
- Nutanong, Sarana. & Samet, Hanan. (2013). Memory-efficient algorithms for spatial network queries. ICDE. (pp. 649 - 660).
- Nutanong, Sarana. , Zhang, Rui. , Tanin, Egemen. & Kulik, Lars. (Apr 2009). V*-kNN: An Efficient Algorithm for Moving k Nearest Neighbor Queries. IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering. (pp. 1519 - 1522). doi:10.1109/ICDE.2009.63
- Liu, An. , Ishikawa, Yoshiharu. , Qian, Tieyun. , Nutanong, Sarana. & Cheema, Muhammad. Aamir. (Apr 2015). Proceedings of Database Systems for Advanced Applications - DASFAA 2015 International Workshops. 978-3-319-22323-0. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-22324-7
Last update date :
20 Jan 2017