
By Hannamiina TANNINEN (Jockey Club Harmony Hall)

We value not only enhancing people’s awareness of important environmental issues, but also taking actions to support a sustainable environment for our future. That is why a new major campaign to reduce food waste was launched by a cutting food waste kick-off ceremony held at City University of Hong Kong on 25 March 2011.

City University made a pledge, together with 10 other local tertiary institutions, to cut food waste by 5% in the coming year by signing a charter organised by Greeners Action. The charter was inspired by a Greeners Action survey, which revealed that only 16 percent of survey participants said that they always finished their meal. Greeners Action also estimates that Hong Kong squandered 1.2 million tons of food in 2007, enough to feed 17.52 million starving people, which is a major environmental and ethical problem. Why should we be careless about the amount of food we waste when in other places people are starving to death?

It is a campaign where all members of the City University community can make the world a better place just by making little adjustments to our daily habits. City University introduced a couple of simple actions to cut food waste on our campus and in the Student Residence. To support the campaign, all student canteens and staff restaurants have introduced new measures, including flexible food portions, providing six dishes in a proper meal and “Save Food Day”.

But as smart student residents and students, we can do more:

  1. Say “less rice please”, when ordering your meals at the Homey Kitchen.
  2. Plan your meals and make a list when you go shopping in stores.  Stick with the planned food purchase list, so you don’t buy too much food and might save money as well.
  3. Cook together with your friends. This is a good way to minimisfood leftovers and also to get to know your floor mates better.
  4. If you still have leftovers, freeze them in the fridge or make sandwiches or pizza from them.


ResLink Issue No.34
April 2011