
By YANG Jiahui, Kary (Jockey Club Humanity Hall)

In late January, SRO held three briefing sessions for returning residents. Many residents showed their concern over the scoring systems, especially the non-local students admitted in 2009 who will be guranteed residence for their first two years of study.

The hall allocation criteria for returning students is designed to ensure a reasonable mix of gender, cohort, local and non-local students. The success of returning non-local residents' applications will depend on their previous achievements, contributions and performances in residence life.  Admission of non-local returning residents into the halls will be made upon Residence Masters' recommendations, which are based on the following considerations:

• the ranking of the combined scores of "Leadership Qualities and Potential Contributions to Residence Life" (Score B);
• inputs from the respective Residents' Associations and Residence Tutors;
• previous disciplinary records with the halls.

Q & A
Below are some common concerns raised by our non-local residents at the breifing sessions:

Q: If I live in Hall 1 and apply for housing in Hall 2 next year, can my contributions to Hall 1 be transferred to my applcaiton for Hall 2?

A: Residents are required to apply for the same hall they are currently living in. Your performance is recoginised by your current hall tutors and masters, but may not be known to persons in other halls. Once you are selected as returning residents, you are required to make contrbutions to the hall as committed in the hall-specific form for the next year.

Q: If I plan to go exchange next semester, will the bedplace be reserved for me?

A: All residents must apply via AIMS and submit a hard copy of the hall-specific form before the application deadline. If you are going away for exchange study or are waiting for the results when submitting your hall applications, you still have to submit your hall applications. Release of hall application results is on 15 April. By that time, you will know for sure whether you are going for exchange or not. If you are successfully selected for both a year-long exchange and hall bedplaces, you need not confirm your hall offer by paying the confirmation fee. However, if you are going for exchange in Sem A only and need a hall place in Sem B, you need to confirm the hall offer and inform SRO during the confirmation period. 

Q: If I can’t get a bedplace next semester, what should I do?

A: SRO has a well-established on-line system for students living off-campus. Survey results show that students living off-campus enjoy quality life and the expenses are also reasonable. More off-campus accommodation information can be found on the SRO website.

Mark down the important timelines on your calendar:
Hall application period:  22-28 March 2011
Application method: via AIMS and submit a copy of the hall-specific form
Release of application results: 15 April 2011
Confirmation period: 15-21 April 2011

One final word to applicants: Late application will not be entertained. All information provided in hall applications must be true and accurate.

ResLink Issue No.32
Feb 2011