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By Ash KURMAR (Jockey Club Harmony Hall)


After a busy day at CityU, most of us look for ways to relax and take the edge off the day that has passed or the studying we have finished. Some of us meet friends over a meal at Homey Kitchen, some go jogging and some compete over a friendly match of basketball or table-tennis. However last semester, when the pressure of being a student was getting to me, I enrolled in an activity - an activity whose main purpose was to reconnect mind, body and soul.

Every Wednesday Yogaraj C Poovendiran, a Yoga Instructor for more than 8 years now, came to Multi-function Hall C of the Student Residence, to teach 15 students breathing exercises to improve their stamina and concentration and to stretch muscles that they never knew they had. Last semester Yogaraj had his students focus on Yin Yang Yoga, which basically emphasizes stretching your muscles. On a weekly basis the students were taught fluid routines like the “Sun Salutation”, which is a series of stretches that we had to hold for 10 seconds or more.

Many of the positions focused upon our posture and improved our flexibility and balance immensely. To further enhance our abilities, Yogaraj constantly observed and assisted us in reaching our maximum flexibility. So do not be too surprised if you feel a click here and a crack there! Nevertheless, after the series of exercises, that does in fact make you break out in a sweat! The last 15 minutes of the lesson is usually scheduled for quiet meditation and prayers that leave your muscles humming to a soothing tune.

So are you looking for a way to blow off steam this semester? Contact Dimple Thadani ( of Chan Sui Kau Hall and come join this workout that leaves you feeling full of energy and vitality. The next Yoga class lasting for 8 lessons will start on 24 February 2010, every Wednesday, at 8:30pm-10:00pm, at Multi-function hall B.