About Us

The Political Analysis Lab (PAL) supports research, education and knowledge transfer on political and governance issues. Its goal is to promote political science research in Hong Kong and to enhance the quality analysis of socio-political phenomena locally, nationally and internationally.

PAL is a research hub and learning centre for faculty and students to engage in scholarly activities utilizing a variety of research methods and tools. Members of the lab have served in various capacities in the cross-national surveys of well-being and value changes, including the World Values Survey, Asian Barometers Survey, and V-Dem Dataset.

Our Activities

1. Applied research projects
2. Expert analysis of local and international politics
3. Academic seminars/conferences
4. Methodological training workshops
5. Faculty-student collaborative research
6. Individual consultation

Latest Events

[Seminar] Speaker: Taishi Muraoka

2023-02-27 @ LI-5529

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[Seminar] Speaker: Michael Vuolo

2022-07-14 @ Zoom

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