Photography (developed in the mid-nineteenth century) offered a new level of veracity and realism and soon became the preferred medium for depicting tourist sites. Seen as a technical craft rather than an art, photography was also used to document the Haussmannian transformations of Paris, as in the images by Charles Marville and Jean Pierre Philippe Lampué. As the new medium developed into an art, important twentieth-century French photographers were inspired by the beauty of Parisian rooftops, such as André Kertész (1894-1985), André Fage (1883-1948), and Willy Ronis (1910-2009). To this day, contemporary artists such as Bruno Réquillart (1947-) and Michael Wolf (1954 -) continue to explore the aesthetic qualities of the Parisian cityscape.


Paris has also figured in countless movies. Inspired by its unique architecture, directors have made Paris the backdrop for thrillers [Frantic (1988) The Da Vinci Code (2006)], romantic comedies [Under the Roofs of Paris (1930) An American in Paris (1951) or Midnight in Paris (2011)] and children fantasy films [The Aristocats (1970), Hugo (2011)], to name but a few. These films showcase the city’s slippery slate and zinc roofs, helpful attic windows, romantic balconies, and connecting walls, where these elements convey a dangerous, nostalgic, or romantic atmosphere at will. Paris offers something to everyone; as Cole Porter so eloquently put it in his 1953 song, “I love Paris every moment of the year…”





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