Dear colleagues, students and alumni,


As we start the Year of the Ox, I would like to provide you all with a brief progress update and share with you the vision of our future development. This update is the result of months of numerous communications with CityU stakeholders and will, I hope and trust, communicate to all of you how together we can move our University forward.


1. Five-year strategic plan progress

In adhering to the revised CityU vision of becoming "a leading global university, excelling in research and professional education", the Strategic Planning Committee led by Provost Richard Ho has designated six priority action areas, ranging from student education and career development to research and infrastructure, globalisation, campus planning, recruiting and retaining staff, and branding, image and culture. Needless to say, the strategic plan is urgently needed as we are going to switch to the 4-year curriculum in 2012.


A strategic planning sub-group was formed to address each of these priority areas. Extensive consultations have been conducted among faculty, staff and students, as we want the whole university community to get involved in mapping out the blueprint of our future. Please submit any further contributions before the plan is finalised in September. The strategic plan will be aligned with the Council plan.


2. Campus development

To alleviate crowded campus conditions and create learning and research space for faculty and students, the University Working Group on Campus Master Plan, chaired by Professor Julia Tao, has mapped out a long-term plan for campus development that incorporates educational philosophies into the campus architecture. The new plan is being presented to the Council for approval and guidance, and will be shared with the campus-wide community during summer.


In addition to the two major buildings under construction, our proposal for the Academic and Administration Building (AAB) was approved by Legco in February and the funding application will be considered by Legco's Public Works Subcommittee in April. The major motivation behind the AAB project is to fulfil the education goals of the 4-year degree structure to be implemented in 2012.


3. Financial position and donations

The financial turbulence prevailing in global markets has inflicted damage upon economies around the world. Due to prudent investment and cost management strategies, I am pleased to report that our financial position remains sound. At the same time, we have raised a total of $104.89M, including the $46.87M matching grant from UGC, since the launch of the Government's Fourth Matching Grant Scheme. Furthermore, we will pay attention to the benefits for the CityU colleagues.


4. Honours received by the CityU members

Our faculty have brought honours to the University through their achievements. Professor Chen Guanrong, for example, received the highest state award available in natural sciences, while Professor Zhang Longxi was elected a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities. CityU now has eight members of the various academies.


In addition, three faculty members have been granted the highest funding among local universities in the RGC Collaborative Fund 2008-09, which is further testimony to the diverse and outstanding research capabilities of CityU. Another three academics, Professors Gary Feng Gang, Man Kim-fung and Keith Zhang Qitu, were recently named IEEE Fellows, bringing the overall tally of IEEE Fellows in CityU to 12.


We have successfully recruited a number of distinguished scholars in various disciplines, including renowned pioneering new media artist and researcher Jeffrey Shaw as the Dean of Creative Media, and Fields Medallist Stephen Smale of mathematics.




It has been an exciting period since I arrived at CityU nine months ago. I have gotten to know quite a few of you very well through various occasions. Your enthusiasm and strong sense of belonging impressed me during the recent marathon when a record number of CityU staff, students and alumni showed their support by participating in the event.


As we are celebrating CityU's 25th anniversary, I sincerely believe that with our current teaching and research strengths, the highly committed faculty and staff and our newly recruited talent, CityU is providing the best education to our students and will emerge as one of the most renowned universities in the world.


Best wishes,



Way Kuo

President and University Distinguished Professor


27 February 2009


















波及全球市場的金融動蕩給世界經濟帶來嚴重破壞由於我們採取謹慎投資及成本管理策略我高興地向大家彙報大學的財政狀況穩定良好此外自從政府推出第四輪配套資助計劃以來我們共籌措到1489萬捐助其中包括政府提供的配對金4687與此同時我們會關注城大教! 職員的薪酬福利





此外三位學者在本地高校中獲得2008 - 09年度研資局協作研究金最高額的撥款進一步證明城大在廣泛領域具有的傑出研究能力另外馮剛文劍鋒和張啟圖三位教授最近被命名為國際電機暨電子工程師學會院士使城大獲得該學會院士的總數達到12


我們同時在各學科成功招聘到一批傑出的學者其中包括創意媒體學院的新院長著名新媒體創始藝術家及研究學者Jeffrey Shaw和數學專業菲爾茲獎得主Stephen Smale










