Outside Classroom Learning:
Chinese Calligraphy cum
Exhibition of the Calligraphy Works of Dr Sze Chi-ching

The Library has been dedicated in adopting a scaffolding model of Resource-Based Learning Approach (RBL) for the promotion of humanities and arts through a series of outside classroom learning activities. The objectives are to raise users’ awareness of our print and e-books collections, to support students’ academic and whole person developments, and to facilitate interdisciplinary learning and inter-departmental collaboration. This RBL model is divided into three stages: 1) the provision of readily available resources; 2) the provision of training in the use of these resources, e.g. research tasks, workshops and guide books; and 3) the reinforcement of knowledge through presentation or quiz. Students are provided with support in the initial stage and after they feel comfortable with the use of the resources, they could start the self-paced learning process.

In this semester, the University received the support of Dr Sze Chi-ching to initiate and promote the appreciation of Chinese calligraphy among both local and foreign students who have minimum knowledge and understanding of this traditional Chinese art. Apart from an exhibition of Dr Sze’s fine works of calligraphy in CityU Gallery (23 February to 23 March 2011), the Library is pleased to have collaborated with the Chinese Civilisation Centre (CCIV) and the Development Office to present the Chinese Calligraphy Promotion Program from 21 February to 30 June 2011. This is in line with the Library’s mission to engage students in a wide range of thought-provoking and interest-arousing learning discovery journeys through interdisciplinary or interdepartmental activities. Based on the scaffolding model of RBL, the promotion program is carried out in three stages:

Multimedia Learning Resources
(22 February to 30 June 2011)

Study channels in different formats, such as inside-library display and remote subject web, were made available so as to accommodate varied learning needs. Activities include:

Exhibition of Library Resources and Calligraphy Works of Dr Sze Chi-ching

Library resources on Chinese calligraphy to facilitate students’ research were introduced. Selected calligraphy works of Dr Sze Chi-ching complimented with introduction to the characteristics of Chinese calligraphy were displayed. Collections of Chinese and Japanese calligraphy stationeries were also exhibited.

Photo Gallery

Dedicated Web

The web site http://www.cityu.edu.hk/lib/about/event/ch_calligraphy/, which presents an overview of the development of categories of calligraphy and their appreciation and analysis, gives students an initial understanding of Chinese calligraphy. Readers can also access an archive of the exhibited works of Dr Sze Chi-ching and his biography through the web site.

Supplementary Learning Resources

The Library and CCIV has developed a booklet on the history and different forms of Chinese calligraphy in Chinese and English for students’ interests and further reference.

E-Learning Resources

The web site of the Chinese Calligraphy and Opus Collections e-learning resource (http://elearning.npm.gov.tw/calligraphy/index_ch.html) developed by the National Palace Museum was displayed at the Multi-purpose Lobby in touch-screen format for users’easy access.

Movie Screenings

Apart from the traditional promotional media, we also introduced Chinese calligraphy through the screening of videos at the Mini Theatre of the Library with the aim to provide students with the opportunity to explore the beauty of this form of art in another view. The videos that have been played were: (1) The Passage《經過》 (2006), a movie which spins a modern love story from a centuries-old piece of Chinese calligraphy; and (2) Cursive《行草》 (2003), a recording of the lyrical ballet dance with its title and movement ideas inspired by Chinese calligraphy by Lin Hwai-min for the Cloud Gate Dane Theatre of Taiwan.

Photo Gallery

Chinese Calligraphy Workshop & Talk on Chinese Calligraphy and Literature
(14 February to 23 March 2011) & (22 Mar 2011)

  • Chinese Calligraphy Workshop

    AIn collaboration with CCIV, 28 workshops were organized and participants were introduced to the basic skills and techniques of Chinese Calligraphy through multimedia resources and demonstration. They also had hand-on practice in calligraphy in order to arouse their interests in this form of traditional Chinese arts. To extend the cultural ambience in the University community, CityU staff were welcomed to join as well.

    Photo Gallery

Learning Assessment
(23 March to 30 June 2011)

The learning assessment in the form of online quiz was available to evaluate students’ initial knowledge about Chinese calligraphy after their participation in different forms of learning activities. A total of 300 students from both local and outpost campuses took part in the quiz in which 185 students got half of their answers correct. Participants commented that through this event, their interests in Chinese calligraphy are being aroused and they were able to gain initial understanding of this art. They suggested the Library to organize more Chinese calligraphy workshops in the near future.