Eng · ·

User Registration

To access LARU, please use your EID and password to access LARU E-system (https://esystem.laru.cityu.edu.hk/). Our system will direct you to the application page of LARU user. Following documents will be required to submit for registration.

1. LARU registration form

2. Copy of the Department of Health (DH) licence under Animals (Control of Experiments) Ordinance, Chapter 340

3. Copy of Record of injection of Anti-Tetanus Toxoid (ATT)

4. Signed Checklist for acknowledgement of User manual for LARU

5. Copy of Health and Safety Risk Assessment for Workstations, Experiments and Research Projects.

6. Copy of application for ethical review of research Experiment involving animal subjects from Animal Research Ethics Sub-committee, City University of Hong Kong

7. Copy of ethical clearance memo of application for ethical review of research Experiment involving animal subjects from Animal Research Ethics Sub-committee, City University of Hong Kong

Relevant documents are attached.

After submitting the documents, please attend the user training (Schedule:https://www.cityu.edu.hk/laru/user-registration.htm), registration will be approved after taking user training.

Checklist of User Manual

LARU User Manual

LARU Smart Lock Access Registration Form

CityU ATT Immunization Guideline

Health Safety Risk Assessment

Application for Animal Experiment Licence

Application For Animal Training