Having accumulated substantial experience in the offering of GE courses, and to encourage further effort and devotion of resources in GE course development at the College/School level, each College/School is invited to develop signature GE courses.

Why Signature GE Courses?

To complement and enhance the current provision, and to truly “augment and round out the specialised training students receive in their majors by enabling them to achieve a breadth of knowledge through exposure to multiple disciplines” , the Colleges and Schools are invited to develop their own signature GE courses, which should be designed as “gateway” courses that open up their respective fields and disciplines for further exploration by:

  1. providing students a gateway to the fundamental realms of knowledge in the respective fields and disciplines;
  2. introducing students to engaging topics and exciting themes and ideas in the humanities, social sciences, or sciences; and
  3. affording quality learning experience with high academic standard.

It is desirable that the signature GE courses be designed and taught by senior academics or scholars who are not only recognized for their research but are also eloquent teachers.

Role of Signature GE Courses Within the GE Programme

The signature GE courses will be categorized as distributional GE courses under the three distributional areas of Arts and Humanities; Study of Societies, Social and Business Organizations; and Science and Technology. These signature courses should have no prerequisites.

Check the list of Signature GE Courses

Last Updated Time: 18-Mar-2020