Council Committees

Advisory Committee for Graduate Employment

Terms of Reference
to advise the President, the Council and the Senate, as appropriate, on matters relating to student employment and graduate employment;
to promote employment opportunities for the University's graduates by maintaining appropriate liaison with the Hong Kong community;
to advise the President and the Student Development Services, as appropriate, on careers counselling activities; and
to present an annual report to the Council and to the Senate on the activities of the Advisory Committee.

Lay member of the Council


One representative from each of a number of designated public bodies concerned with graduate employment, namely:

- Hong Kong Government, Civil Service Bureau

- Employers' Federation of Hong Kong

- Federation of Hong Kong Industries

- Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce

- Hong Kong Council of Social Service

- Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong

- Chinese General Chamber of Commerce

- Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management

Up to five individuals from local industry and commerce, invited in their personal capacity, preferably Personnel Managers

Up to three members of the University Council selected from amongst those appointed under section 10(1)(f) of the University Ordinance

A representative from City University of Hong Kong Convocation

Seven University staff, namely:

- President (Deputy Chairman of the Committee)

- Three academic Heads of Departments, nominated by the President and appointed by the Senate

- Associate Provost (Student Life)

- Dean of Students

- Director of Student Development Services

Two students nominated by the Students' Union

One postgraduate student nominated by the CityU Postgraduate Association


A staff member of the Student Development Services nominated by Associate Provost (Student Life)

Last modified on 12 October 2023