The 7th Secondary School Distinguished Artwork Exhibition 2022


The Cultural and Sports Committee of City University of Hong Kong (CityU) strives to promote art and culture and nurture talents through playing an active role in organising diversified activities to showcase the students’ Six Arts. As one of CityU’s signature annual art and cultural events, the Secondary School Distinguished Artwork Exhibition (the Exhibition) receives staunch support from hundreds of schools every year, jointly promoting community arts exchange.

The 7th Exhibition 2022 features three themes, namely "Hong Kong Scenery", "Elderly and Home", and "Firework". Through this event, students will be encouraged to show their care about others and society, and express their thoughts and creativity beyond the classroom in their artworks.


香港城市大學(城大)文康委員會多年來致力推廣藝術文化及培育後起之秀,舉辦各類型藝文活動,為學生提供多元平台展現六藝。 其中,「中學生傑出作品展」為學界年度藝術及文化盛事,每年均承蒙逾百間中學鼎力支持,攜手促進社區藝術交流。

「第七屆中學生傑出作品展2022」共設有「香港的一角」、「老人與家」及「煙花」三個主題,鼓勵同學關心社會上的人和事,並透過繪畫藝術表達我思我想,讓同學展現在課堂外的超凡創意。 現誠邀 貴校提名學生作品於是次展覽中展出。

Past Artwork Booklets 歷年作品展畫冊

Secondary School Distinguished Artwork Exhibition 2021

Secondary School Distinguished Artwork Exhibition 2019

Secondary School Distinguished Artwork Exhibition 2018

Secondary School Distinguished Artwork Exhibition 2017

Secondary School Distinguished Artwork Exhibition 2016

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The 7th Secondary School Distinguished Artwork Exhibition 2022