Universal E-mail Decoding Program

Horizontal Rule [DEC 96]

Henry Wong

An "E-mail0 Decoder" option has been made available on staff LAN. This option provides a universal decoding program to help you convert your E-mail received in encoded format back to its original format. The program can automatically identify and handle different encoding formats including: MIME base64, UUENCODE and BINHEX.

Under the CTNET Windows 3.1 environment, you can find the option within the "Information Services" group. Under both Windows 95 or DOS environment, the option is placed in the "Information Services" menu.

The "E-mail Decoder" option has two functions. You can either run the decoding program or download a copy of it. Note that the download copy runs under DOS.

Should you have any query or problem in using the decoder, please contact CSC hotline at ext. 7658 or email to cc@plink.cityu.edu.hk.

[Issue No. 9]

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Computing Services Centre
City University of Hong Kong

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