CSC Small Talk

Horizontal Rule [SEPT 96]

Angela Tang

The Computing Services Centre (CSC) offers many services on the CityU campus network to facilitate easy and fast communication; information exchange; effective and efficient teaching. To familiarize staff with the services for better utilization, the CSC Small Talk will begin with topics on the most common and essential facilities in the coming Semester. For instance, "Using Lecture Theatre's PC for Teaching", "Reading Chinese on Internet", "How to read encoded email", etc. On the other hand, it is also desired to share our experience on the fast moving computing technology, and two talks on multimedia have been arranged. The entire schedule is as follow:

118 Sep 96 Wk 1Using Lecture Theater’s PC for Teaching
225 Sep 96 Wk 2Know more about your Networked PC
32 Oct 96 Wk 3From Windows 3.1 to Windows 95
416 Oct 96 Wk 5Reading Chinese on Internet
530 Oct 96 Wk 7How to read Encoded email?
613 Nov 96 Wk 9Connecting to Internet from Home - CityLink Plus
727 Nov 96 Wk 11Let’s go Multimedia
811 Dec 96 Wk 13Creating your own Multimedia files

Mark your calendar now! All Small Talks are free and enrolment is not required. The venue is Rm. Neptune of CSC and all talks start at 4:00pm.

Lastly, while we are planning for the Talks in Semester B, if there are topics you are interested in, please email your suggestions to

[Issue No. 8]

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Computing Services Centre
City University of Hong Kong

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