More Lines for CityLink Plus Service

Horizontal Rule [SEPT 96]

Angela Tang

40 more lines have been added to the CityLink Plus service to facilitate direct connection and graphical interface to the Internet from home via modem. There is now a total of 56 dedicated lines supporting the CityLink Plus service and all running 28.8kbps. Existing CityLink Plus users will receive personal email detailing the new numbers.

If you are not yet a CityLink Plus user, you may register by filling in a form obtainable from CSC General Office or Service Counter. As CityLink Plus is a charged service, you may choose to be self-sponsored or department sponsored. To apply for department sponsorship, simply submit the form to your department. If successful, your department will process your application via the Internet Budget Management System (please see page 7). Users who are self sponsored may send the completed forms to CSC directly. Please refer to the instructions printed on the registration form for details.

[Issue No. 8]

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Computing Services Centre
City University of Hong Kong

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