System Performance Tuning

Horizontal Rule [JUN 96]


Tsui Siu Ki

Did you ever feel at times your computer is running real slow and you have to wait for a while before the system gets back to you? Can you imagine how shocking it will be if one day, you turn on your computer and you find that all the data is lost? In this issue and the next, we will address the issues on how to fine-tune your computer and how to ensure data integrity. The tips on optimizing your computer's performance will be discussed first in this article.

Factors Affecting System Performance

The performance of your PC depends on a number of factors:

How to Enhance Your System Performance

In the article "Why's My Computer Slow?" (September '95 Issue No. 4), we have already talked about various network factors that can lead to the PC performance degradation. Here, we will focus on how an end-user can fine-tune some software and hardware settings to improve system performance at no extra cost.

1) Fine Tuning Your BIOS Settings (for experienced users only)

The very first thing that you can try to speed up your PC is to 'tweak' the BIOS settings. Beware that the BIOS settings affect the most basic system level elements of your computer. Do not make changes unless you are very sure what the result will be. If something goes wrong, reboot your PC and go back into the BIOS to revert your modifications.

Your user manual should provide you with instructions on how to access the BIOS setup screen. Usually there are at least three main setup screens, as described below :

2) Boost Windows and DOS performance

There are many ways to increase Windows and DOS performance. Here, we will mention some simple methods.

Coming Soon

In part II of this story, we will look at the issues of virus checking and ensuring data integrity. We will also examine the procedures for recovering your corrupted data as far as possible. So, stay tuned.

[Issue No. 7]

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