Computing Services Centre:
Behind The Scenes

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W.K. Yu

Information technology is advancing in an astounding rate these days and in order to meet up with the rising challenges and to keep pace with the development of the University, the CSC re-organised its structure in summer 1998 in an effort to achieve the following objectives:

  1. To shift the paradigm from technology silos to service management

  2. To identify and re-define the key processes of the CSC

  3. To improve work efficiency and effectiveness by eliminating duplicate manpower resources and defining clear responsibilities

  4. To establish a system of accountability on each process

  5. To enhance leadership and management training to team leaders

  6. To extend the scope of work by process and hence broaden staff exposure

The new structure of the CSC is outlined below :

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Under the 3 main branches lie the 8 functional sections, all of which report to the Director of Computing Services via the 3 Associate Directors. The following is a brief description of these sections:csc_org.gif (1040 bytes)

(1)  Academic Services Section

This Section is responsible for the identification and the provision of the computing facilities to academic departments in support of their teaching programmes, students’ learning and research activities. It liases with academic departments for planning and arrangement of teaching resources in the CSC’s Student Terminal Area. It runs the Media Production Service and Help Desk to provide support for the production of teaching materials and telephone assistance to staff with computer problems respectively. It also provides education training in the form of computer courses, forums, Small Talks etc. to strengthen the users’ computer knowledge.

(2)  Applications & Business Section

This Section is responsible for the development, implementation and maintenance of administrative data processing systems, to facilitate day-to-day administration of the University and to support management decision making. The administrative systems cover several main areas such as student admissions and records, personnel records, library automation, financial accounting and payroll. This section also oversees the business projects outside the University.

(3)  Internet & E-mail Section

This Section is responsible for University-wide Internet, Intranet and e-mail services for all staff and students. For Internet, this Section ensures the provision for hosting departmental, staff and student homepages; FTP and News servers; and server for Web-based training. For Intranet, it co-ordinates with departments on the provision of information and administrative systems. This Section is also responsible for the provision of e-mail service to all staff and students, and plays the role of central postmaster which oversees the campus e-mail activities.

(4)  Systems & Technology Section

The Central Systems sub-section is responsible for the capacity planning, installation, maintenance, monitoring and tuning of the central computer systems. It also provides system-wide technical support to other Sections and develops general utilities for other departments’ systems.

The Technology sub-section assists the Director in strategic planning for technology development of the CSC. To do so, it monitors new developments, evaluates new products, and recommends solutions to meet the needs of the CSC as well as users in the University.

(5)  Networking & LAN Section

This Section’s main duties include planning, installation, maintenance, monitoring and tuning of the campus network (CTNET II) and its LANs. It is also responsible for the evaluation of network facilities, and the development of special network utilities to support other Sections of the CSC, whenever necessary.

(6)  Operation and Maintenance Section

The Section is responsible for the day-to-day operation of all central computer systems and provides front-end technical support on hardware and software including repair and maintenance in the Student Terminal Area.

(7)  University Computer Shop

The University Computer Shop is a non-profit making, self-financing operation under the Computing Services Centre. It provides sales service of computer products and stationery, offers maintenance and front-end support services for PC hardware and software as well as network cabling service to user departments.

(8)  General Office

The General Office is responsible for the acquisition, inventory management, budgetary control, publications, update of reference and software libraries, administration of computer courses and other activities organised by the CSC. It also provides clerical support to the CSC staff.

The re-organisation was well received by staff of the CSC, despite the pains taken in the transition. Not only that work is now more focused, but also that team leaders have demonstrated their leadership and initiativeness. Though, due to the heavy workload of the CSC, there are still some details that have not been implemented on time, a recent review showed that most of the objectives have been met. In particular, we have been receiving compliments from users on our service attitude and their appreciation of the noticeable effort in providing better services and facilities.

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Computing Services Centre
City University of Hong Kong

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