Windows 95 User's Group for All Staff

Horizontal Rule [Mar 98]

Joe Chow

To provide support and advice for all CityU staff who use Windows 95 on the CTNET network, the Computing Services Centre (CSC) started the Windows 95 User’s Group several months ago. Regular meetings are held every two to three months to give users the chance to share their successes as well as frustrations with Windows 95, although other discussions such as using software in Windows 95 are also welcome. This user group is not a course at all, it merely serves as a discussion and experience-sharing medium for those who are concerned.

During every meeting, the convenor provides at least one or two useful tips. Of course, staff can share their own with others too. With these tips, members of the group will be able to resolve their problems, thereby enhancing their productivity. Some of these tips include:

  1. Optimizing your disks and configuration
  2. Secret in using msdos.sys for starting up your system
  3. Keyboard shortcuts for Windows 95
  4. File recovery after deletion
  5. Login without your password
  6. Disk and file sharing through the network
  7. Using CityU network personal menu
  8. Changing system display
  9. Disable CD-ROM auto-play

There are still many tips to be discussed in the coming meetings, so don’t miss them. If you are interested in joining the group, simply show up at the meetings as announced by network messages. The meetings are usually divided into English and Chinese sessions. Staff may enroll either one according to his/her preference. If you wish to find out more about this group, please contact our Mr. Joe Chow at ext. 8848.


[Issue No. 14]

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Computing Services Centre
City University of Hong Kong

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