Launching the Departmental Chinese Windows 95

Horizontal Rule [Dec 97]

Ricky Chan

Departmental English Windows 95 has been implemented in our University for a long time. Now, we are glad to announce that departmental Chinese Windows 95 is also available to users. The delay for launching Chinese Windows 95 is mainly due to the fact that Microsoft does not support two or more language versions of Windows 95 on the same computer. Although we had spent a lot of time tackling this problem, we still cannot find a safe way to support it. For more information on the latter, please refer to this issue’s article titled "Complications of Supporting Chinese OS" on page ##. As a result, we support only one language version of Windows 95 on each computer, i.e. a user can only choose to install either English or Chinese Windows 95 on his/her computer.

During the period between July and September, pilot runs of Chinese Windows 95 were performed in the CSC as well as in two other departments. Based on the comments and suggestions collected, the implementation details of departmental Chinese Windows 95 was finalized and ready for deployment in October 1997.

The installation of Chinese Windows 95 is quite similar to that of the English version. People can simply choose "Setup Chinese Windows 95" on the Network & Environment Settings menu of the CTNET DOS menu, follow the instructions and answer a few questions. Chinese Windows 95 will automatically be installed to the hard disk from network. Useful information can be found in

Procedures for applying


Things to Consider before Installing Chinese Windows 95

[Issue No. 13]

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