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Department of Media and Communication Center for Communication Research

Mr Chuk Fai KWAN 關則輝

Part-time Lecturer

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Contact Information

Email: cfkwan@cityu.edu.hk
Personal CV: Personal CV
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Mr Kwan Chuk-fai has over thirty years of experiences in corporate communications, management, and executive development. He has served in organisations including Cathay Pacific Airways, New World First Bus Services, NWS Holdings, New World Group and Hang Lung Group.

Mr Kwan is a Founding Member of the Hong Kong Public Relations Professionals’ Association. In his career as a professional communicator Mr Kwan handled a number of crises including:

- Cathay Pacific cabin crew strike
- Suspension of Airbus A330-300 fleet
- Cathay Pacific mass layoffs of 1500 Hong Kong employees
- New World First Bus taking over China Motor Bus services
- Bus passenger fallen from the upper deck of a moving bus
- Mini storage fire at Amoy Industrial Building that claimed two firefighters’ lives