College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Inspiring Global Communication Ideas Galore

Professor LEE Chin-chuan, Emeritus Professor of the Department of Media and Communication and one of the world's leading scholars in global communication studies, has recently published Crisscrossing Communication Research – Historical Contexts and Global Perspectives《傳播縱橫 – 脈絡視野》, a 622-page academically rigorous publication in Chinese. 

Organised into three sections encompassing 19 chapters, the book collects Lee’s articles in the last decade, covering topics such as internationalising “international communication” to counter the western or US-dominated version of this subject, the methodological and theoretical approaches adopted in communication studies, the idea of connecting current affairs and historical events, the literati cum political commentator practice and the imagination in international communication studies.

Unlike most scholarly books, the author also shares personal thoughts and his life’s stories through the pages. In the preface, for example, he mentioned how he was inspired and enlightened by American sociologist Charles Wright Mills and his book The Sociological Imagination when he was still young. It shaped his academic path and he gradually developed his research interests in global communication, political economy of the media and social theories of media studies. 

As well, he has shared a list of renowned scholars and influential publications that had made an impact on his persistence in pursuing knowledge and wisdom. He also further attempts to review his career spanning over 40 years in the epilogue, and provides a personal testimony on research issues and academic methods.


Crisscrossing Communication Research – Historical Contexts and Global Perspectives《傳播縱橫 – 脈絡視野》
By Professor LEE Chin-chuan
Emeritus Professor
Department of Media and Communication
City University of Hong Kong

ISBN: 9789570853452
Published by Linking Publishing, 2019