Have you ever wondered who has the right to develop and enjoy this city? Who does this city really belong to? We want to hear from you!

Call for Contributions | 徵求網誌

Whose City? 我们的城市

Cities are places we live in for different reasons. It could be due to our passion to the city, the presence of our family and social network, for our work, or because we had no choice. No matter what the reasons are, different parties, including you and me, are playing a role in shaping our city. On the one hand, it seems that governments are dominating the development of our cities through policies and enforcements. On the other hand, you can see how citizens struggle to fight against the policies in search of a better living environment.

不同的原因驅使我們住在同一城市裡。這可能是基於我們對城市的喜愛, 或者是因為城市里我們的家庭及朋友圈、工作等。有些人根本無從選擇自己的居住地有些人認為,政府往往利用政策去主導這個城市的發展。但與此同時你會看見市民為爭取更美好家園而努力奮鬥。或者你沒有察覺,你我都在不知不覺間一點一滴地塑造這個城市。 

Our question is: who has the right to develop and enjoy this city? Who does this city really belongs to? The “Who” here does not confine to human beings, perhaps we could speak for the other “silent parties’” in the city, such as trees, animals or objects.


This website aims to gather your views on the question of "Whose City?” We invite you to submit your contributions to any of the following four sub-themes:


a. Urban lives and stories | 城市生活及故事

Tastes of old eateries and intimate exchanges with old “Kai Fong” always remain strong in our hearts. People feel reminiscent of the past because of the warmth of heartfelt human contact. Life in long established neighbourhoods is part of the culture and history of our cities. What can we do to preserve, capture, and build the spirit of neighbourhood? How does it differ from people living in large housing estates adjacent to shopping malls who may be less communicative with their neighbours? Please share your memories, stories, observations, and experiences with us! 


b. Urban culture | 城市文化

Familiar faces and local shops are disappearing in our cities. Are shopping malls and housing estates that look the same everywhere welcomed by the majority of people? Are they capable of giving us a vibrant and diversified urban life, or just a homogeneous lifestyle? How can our society stand out uniquely from other cities? Or is it a global trend to live in similar environments with fading characteristics in districts? What is specifically local to your city?


c. Urban redevelopment | 市區重建

Residents, particularly long-time inhabitants in the neighbourhood, seem to be left with no choice but to leave their familiar places. Are demolition and urban development absolute necessities? Do all stakeholders have equal participation process? Who will benefit and who are the sufferers in the policy-making process? Please give your opinion on urban demolition and redevelopment, renewal policies, and heritage and nature preservation


d. HK-Mainland China Current Urban Issues | 中港議題

Some people are fearful of the recent changes in the geographical, social, and political distance between Hong Kong and Mainland China. Given Hong Kong’s limited space, are the growing tourist and resident populations a true cause for concern? Who has the right to belong and live in Hong Kong? Do you agree with the government’s stance on HK-Mainland current issues? Please share your views on any recent controversies between Hong Kong and Mainland China.  


Please refer to the submission guidelines for details on submission requirements and procedures. Click to download this Call for Contributions.


斯里蘭卡原稱“錫蘭”,1972年成立共和國後改名。因為版圖形狀和地理位置的原因,這裡常被稱為“印度洋的最後一滴眼淚”。科倫坡(Colombo)是斯里蘭卡的政治、經濟與交通中心,有“東方十字路口”之稱。藉由參加會議的機會,我得以踏上這片神秘的土地,在短暫的停留中匆匆一瞥 。

我所借宿的旅館位於科倫坡加勒路(Galle Road)中段,這是貫穿城市南北的一條幹道,路東往科倫坡大學,沿途分佈着各種高檔公寓、別墅和西餐廳;路西是傳統的民居和貧民區,向西走幾步穿過一個街區就到了海邊。海邊有一座小小的火車站,鐵軌沿印度洋海岸線向南北綿延,據說《千與千尋》的海邊火車就是以此為原型。剛好趕上有一班開往市區中心火車站的車,我匆匆買好了車票(票價10盧比相當於0.6港幣),跳上火車。雖然近年來遊客漸漸增多,但是東亞遊客並不常見,一路上,滿車廂的斯里蘭卡人對我這個突然闖入的東亞面孔充滿了好奇。

短短的 10分鐘後到達了目的地——科倫坡要塞火車站(Colombo Fort Railway Station)。要塞火車站本身即是典型的殖民地風格建築。站前廣場供奉着佛像,似乎在提醒着剛剛踏上這片土地的人斯里蘭卡與佛教深厚的淵源。斯里蘭卡是一個多宗教的國家,其中佛教的歷史最久,歷經緣起、衝突、改革、復興幾個階段,仍然信眾最多,在本國擁有崇高的地位。站旁是科倫坡最熱鬧的市集—貝塔市場,售賣農產品、生活用品和旅遊紀念品,讓人想起中國二三線城市火車站旁喧鬧的集市和生意人。沿着火車站周邊的街道漫步,佛寺、教堂、清真寺隨處可見,出入的信徒不同的裝束與信仰之下是同樣虔誠的眼神。

向西步行十幾分鐘,就到了加勒菲斯綠地(Galle Face Green),這裡在荷蘭統治時期曾是防波堤和堡壘,後於1859年由當時的英屬錫蘭總督亨利•沃德爵士開闢用作板球、賽馬和高爾夫球場。現在這裡是科倫坡最大的開放公共空間,既是當地人消閒、舉行婚禮的好去處,也用於舉辦獨立紀念日閱兵儀式 。這裡距離混亂和充滿市井氣息的火車站幾分鐘車程,卻好像進入了另一個世界,綠地周邊盡是高檔的老牌酒店——英式風格、荷蘭風格,依舊保持着舊世界延續下來的氣派;一望無際的大海邊一片綿延的綠地,一家老小坐在路邊看風景、在草地上嬉戲,一對對情侶迎着海風低聲耳語,鐵皮小亭子和路邊小食攤位一字排開售賣廉價的汽水和零食,草地上小販兜售風箏和玩具。到了傍晚,一夥夥穿制服的學生結伴而來,看夕陽西下。遠處還能望見有中資入股的集裝箱碼頭和科倫坡“雙子塔”,即使是這個於2009年剛剛結束內戰的國家也從來逃不脫地緣政治與全球化的浪潮。加勒菲斯綠南臨科倫坡的 “中環”與“金鐘”,跨國銀行與使館遍布,街道整潔開闊、一塵不染,以鐵腕結束斯里蘭卡內戰的拉賈帕克薩總統府邸也位於此區。


Submission guidelines | 提交說明

Submission guidelines:

  • Everyone is welcomed to contribute to Whose City by responding to the given themes.
  • Each submission should include (1) 300-500 word text AND/OR (2) at least ONE multimedia material, including visual, audio or video.
  • Email your submissions to No hardcopy will be accepted.
  • Make sure to include your name and email address in the body of the email. In the subject line of your email, please put the word ‘submission’ and your name (e.g. Submission by Robert Lee).
  • Written text submissions can be in English, Mandarin Chinese, and Cantonese.
  • Upon submission, you will be notified by email once it has been reviewed by Whose City editing team. If accepted, your blog post will be published on our website. 
  • If there is any problem or mistakes in your post, please let us know through email within a week of posting.
  • Your work should not infringe on intellectual property rights. When you use any work of others, please cite the source.
  • Your work should not contain any computer viruses that intend to damage, interfere or expropriate any system, data or personal information.
  • Whose City team reserves the final right to publish, modify and edit the submissions.

Guidelines for the submission of multimedia materials:

  • Multi-media submissions can be presented in visual, audio, and/or video formats. 
  • Visual illustrations include photos, drawings and diagrams. They should be in high-quality digital formats like .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .pdf or .tif. They should be uncompressed files smaller than 5 Mb.
  • Audio-visual illustrations should not be longer than 15 minutes in duration and can be uploaded to Youtube for us to embed onto our blog.

If you have any queries, please contact us at

Thank you for your interest at our project. We look forward to receiving your submissions!

Note: In case of discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall apply and prevail.


  •  歡迎任何人按照我們的主題提交文章。
  • 每一篇網誌應包括:1. 300500字的文字(中文或英文) 2. 最少一項多媒體資料,例如相片﹑影片﹑錄音(粵語、英語或普通話)。
  •  請把你的文章提交到。電郵內請附上你的姓名及電郵地址,並在主題欄寫上你的姓名及文章標題,例如“陳大文的網誌。我們只接受網上投稿。
  • 提交網誌後,你將會收到我們的電郵通知。經我們審閱後,你所提交的網誌將會刊登於本網站。
  • 如有任何問題,請於刊登後一星期以電郵通知我們。
  • 作品不應侵犯知識產權。如有使用他人的作品,請註明出處。
  • 作品內不應有任何破壞電腦系統及盜取電腦資料的病毒。
  • Whose City 團隊將保留一切刊登、改動和編輯文章的權利。


  • 多媒體資料包括相片﹑影片及錄音檔案。
  • 提交之相片必須是5Mb以下未經壓縮的gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .pdf檔案。
  • 提交之影片的長度應少於15分鐘及已上傳到Youtube,以便我們把錄像嵌入網誌。

如有任何查詢,請電郵至 與我們聯絡。
