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Dr. WANG Jun
June Wang is an Associate Professor in the Department of Public Policy at the City University of Hong Kong. Her research lies at the intersection of urban geography and cultural politics, centring on state-society relations amidst Asian cities’ urbanization, with special concern to creative/cultural cities and recently, smart cities. Her long-term research interest dwells on the always ongoing process of (re-)territorialisation of state space, that is, how the intertwined political and economic logics put human and non-human things on the move, resulting in ceaseless re-configuration of territory, economy and population. She has authored more than 30 peer-reviewed journals papers and chapters, on journals such as EPA; Geoforum; IJURR; Political Geography; South Atlantic Quarterly; Urban Geography, and Territory, Politics, Governance. She has edited books with Routledge and Edward Elgar, and special issues on EPA, Geoforum; Journal of Urban Affairs, and City, Culture and Society. 

Research Interests
Platform urbanism; Cultural cities/creative cities, critical heritage studies; Territorialization, political geography; Social geography, citizenship. mobility

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