
由城市大學與北京清華大學合辦的 《尺素情懷:清華學人手札展》為香港觀眾們提供了一個近距離欣賞及品味大師們手澤的機會。是次展覽承蒙清華藝術博物館借出館藏的學人手蹟共一百三十四件,它們既呈現了清華學人們二十世紀中對不同學科的貢獻,亦勾勒出中國現代學術發展的軌跡。「雖不能見,而心嚮往之」,學人們在信件、手稿、講義、甚或是隻字片楮所流露出的情懷與境界,亦足以讓觀眾想見大師們的風采。除了珍貴的書信展品之外,城市大學創意媒體學院亦為是次展覽研發了兩個多媒體裝置。其中的互動裝置讓觀眾們可以四位學人的字體自製信札;而另一個則以多媒體的型式重現當代書法家王冬齡教授的創作,藉附於筆上的微型攝像頭之助,讓觀眾伴隨著飛舞的筆尖翱翔。


Sincerely Yours: Personal Letters from Tsinghua Scholars offers an intimate view into the thoughts and feelings of leading Chinese scholars of the twentieth century. First presented at the new Tsinghua University Art Museum, this unique exhibition of original, hand-written documents is being restaged by City University for the Hong Kong public. This collection of unpublished material traces the intellectual development of China in the 20th century, and enables one to appreciate, first-hand, these scholars’ contribution to the different branches of the arts and sciences. Even though they are no longer with us, the surviving letters, manuscripts, and teaching materials provide wonderful glimpses into their private thoughts and emotions, conjuring up the writer as a whole person. On the occasion of this exhibition, the School of Creative Media at City University has produced two new media installations. One allows exhibition visitors to create their own letters using the hand-written words of the scholars. The other shows a performance by the acclaimed contemporary calligrapher, Professor Wang Dongling, where a tiny video camera attached to his brush provides an immersive close-up of the dynamic creation of each of his painted characters.

images of exhibition