About Me



Chen was born in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province in 1987. Upon his graduation from the China Academy of Art, with a bachelor’s degree in Mixed-Media Art in 2010, Chen continued his studies at the Studio of Total Art, School of Inter-Media Art (SIMA) and received a master’s degree in 2013. In 2014, he was admitted to the School of Philosophy of Capital Normal University to pursue a doctoral degree.



about me

自殺機器人 - 米諾曹一代 試驗機
Suicidal Robot - Minocchio-1-SE

Mixed-media Installation
Animation, oil painting



Suicidal Robot is a large-scale project where I have designed different types of suicidal robots and added some supplementary work, such as videos and paintings, to create a conceptual world.

“Minocchio” (Minotaur + Pinocchio) is the symbol of “suicidal robots”.

On the one hand, Pasiphaë, the Queen of Crete in Greek mythology, had the artificer Daedalus construct a portable wooden cow with a cowhide covering, within which she was able to satisfy her strong desire to mate with a bull. The offspring was the monstrous Minotaur which grew out of control so that Daedalus had to devote even more wit to construct a gigantic labyrinth within which to contain it.

On the other hand, Pinocchio was created by an old carpenter to have someone to stay with him. The little puppet was eager to become human, believing that only as a human could he receive true love from others.

The emergence of “Minocchio” indicates the peaceful coexistence of two kinds of “artifacts” no longer existing; these two contradictory powers come together and therefore lead to suicidal behaviors.

Solo Exhibitions +


  • 「可能寶寶」,Wyoming Project,北京
    Possible Babies, Wyoming Project, Beijing


  • 「教學相長」,南京藝術學院美術館,南京
    Teaching and Learning, Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing


  • 「動物學」,清影當代藝術空間,杭州
    Zoology, Inna Contemporary Art Space, Hangzhou

Group Exhibitions +


  • 「不可思議的遊戲」,J:Gallery,上海
    Inconceivable Games, J:Gallery, Shanghai
  • 「例外狀態」,UCCA,北京
    The New Normal, UCCA, Beijing
  • 「完型崩壞」,Tabula Rasa Gallery,北京
    Semantic Satiation, Tabula Rasa Gallery, Beijing


  • China Now,OXO Gallery,倫敦
    China Now, OXO Gallery, London
  • 「真人秀‧我們15個」,桐廬
    Reality Show. The Fifteen of Us, Tonglu
  • 「例外狀態」,UCCA,北京
    The New Normal, UCCA, Beijing
  • 「絕地反擊(一):熱」,J:Gallery,上海
    Total War or Nothing at All 1 Hot, J:Gallery, Shanghai
  • 「絕地反擊(二):噪」,J:Gallery,上海
    Total War or Nothing at All 2 Noise, J:Gallery, Shanghai
  • 「第三屆南京國際美術展」,南京
    The 3rd Nanjing International Art Festival, Nanjing


  • 「24藝術計畫‧naissance」,今日美術館,北京
    Art Project 24: Naissance, Today Art Museum, Beijing
  • 「真人秀‧我們15個」,桐廬
    Temporary Residence Permit, Unicorn Center for Art, Beijing
  • 「暫住證」,獨角獸空間,北京
    Not on Site, Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing
  • 「不在現場」,南京藝術學院美術館,南京
    The Civil Power, Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, Beijing
  • 「民間的力量」,民生美術館,北京
    The Artist, Linda Gallery, Beijing
  • 「藝術家」,林大藝術中心,北京
    Sub Freedom #1: Sage Times, Power Station of Art, Shanghai


  • 「教學相長第二回」,三尚藝術空間,杭州
    Teaching and Learning Round Two, Sanshang Art, Hangzhou
  • 「是光」,隨藝藝術空間,杭州
    It Is Light, Suiyi Arts Space, Hangzhou
  • 「大地備忘錄」,上海當代藝術博物館,上海
    Memorandum for Gaia, Power Station of Art, Shanghai
  • TOP15,中國美院美術館,杭州
    TOP15, Art Gallery of China Academy of Art, Hangzhou
  • SEEING,聖點空間,北京
    Seeing, Grand Space, Beijing
  • 「潮汐間‧華宇青年獎」,三亞
    Mesolittoral - Huayu Youth Award, Sanya


  • 「我知道」,三尚當代藝術空間,杭州
    I Know It, Sanshang Art, Hangzhou
  • 「我只想和你說說話」,黑匣子臨界實驗室,上海
    I Just Wanna Talk to You, Critical Lab of Black Box, Shanghai
  • 「關注未來藝術英才」,今日美術館,北京
    Focus on the Future Talents of Art, Today Art Museum, Beijing
  • 「複調 — 21種狀態」,南京藝術學院美術館,南京
    Polyphonic: 21 versions, Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing
  • 「七毛錢的態度」,武林藝術二號館,杭州
    What’s Inside the 7 Cents, Wulin Art Gallery 2, Hangzhou
  • 「剩餘價值」,陸家嘴綠地,上海
    Residual Value, Lujiazui Central Park, Shanghai
  • 「入圍杭州亞洲青年影展」,鳳凰創意園,杭州
    Shortlisted for Hangzhou Asian Film Festival, Phoenix Creative Park, Hangzhou
  • 「入圍紀錄片學院獎」,釣魚臺國賓館,北京
    Finalist for China Academy Awards of Documentary Film, Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, Beijing