City AlumNet 2018 1. From the Editor | Advisory Committee A decade of aspiration and pioneering endeavours A decade of aspiration and pioneering endeavours An interview with Professor Jian Lu, Vice-President (Research and Technology) Driving forward innopreneurial discovery Smart thermostat, cool energy-saving From entrepreneurship dream to reality Serving the world in multiple ways A decade of aspiration and pioneering endeavours An interview with Professor Jian Lu, Vice-President (Research and Technology) Driving forward innopreneurial discovery An interview with Professor Jian Lu, Vice-President (Research and Technology) Driving forward innopreneurial discovery Smart thermostat, cool energy-saving Smart thermostat, cool energy-saving From entrepreneurship dream to reality From entrepreneurship dream to reality Serving the world in multiple ways Serving the world in multiple ways University achievements Alumni and student achievements Events Roundup Global Horizons Convocatin forges deeper connections Alumni Associations foster belongingA decade of aspiration and pioneering endeavours Giving Back Dates for Your Diary Class Notes Contact update Deepen your ties with CityU's lifetime community Drop a line, share your comments. CityU Alumni facebook An interview with Professor Jian Lu, Vice-President (Research and Technology) Driving forward innopreneurial discovery Smart thermostat, cool energy-saving From entrepreneurship dream to reality Serving the world in multiple ways