PhD Programmes


PhD Research Projects


Admission Requirements and Procedures


Financial Support


Mode and Period of Study



PhD Research Projects

Currently we only have PhD positions in the area(s) of: 
Radiation Biophysics

Students interested in the above area(s) can contact Prof Peter K N Yu ( and discuss details of the project. Students are also welcome to suggest other possible research topics within the above area(s). However, the feasibility will depend on the availability of equipment and resources, as well as the alignment with research directions of the NRU. 


Admission Requirements and Procedures

Admission requirements:

The prerequisite for admission to PhD studies in the NRU will be a relevant bachelor degree (first class honors) [for the 4-year PhD programme], or a relevant master degree (by research) with relevant journal publications [for the 3-year PhD programme].

Admission Procedures:

In contrary to admission systems in most US and UK universities where the staff will control the funding and thus admission of graduate students, admission of graduate students at CityU is administered centrally by our Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies, to which applications should be made. When an application is received, it will be sent to the relevant staff for comments and, if appropriate, for endorsement for consideration by the University. In this connection, an applicant wishing to pursue graduate studies in NRU must discuss the proposed topic with Prof Peter Yu ( before submitting the application. 

Important Information:

The staff do not have the quota for graduate students. The staff will only endorse those suitable and competitive applications to be considered by the University, but such endorsements do not mean that the applications will be successful. Admissions are administered at the University level and are competitive mainly based on the credentials of the applicants. Moreover, there is a limit on the number of graduate students supervised by a staff at the same time. If you would like to have a rough idea on your chance of getting admitted before actually submitting an application, you can make an inquiry by sending the following information to Prof Peter Yu (

(1) Your intended project.
(2) The classification and/or final GPA or the average mark of your Bachelor degree and/or master degree.
(3) The number of your SCI-listed journal papers with the following information: (a) impact factor and ranking within a discipline according to the latest Journal Citation Reports, and (b) your rank of authorship.


Financial Support

All newly admitted full-time students will be supported by a studentship which is granted on a yearly basis and is subject to renewal. There are minimum academic requirements for students applying for renewal of the studentship. The studentship rate can be found on the webpage of our Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies. Studentship recipients are normally required to undertake up to six hours of academic related duties per week, as assigned by the Department. The students shall not engage in any paid employment without the prior approval of the University.



Mode and Period of Study



Research studies can be undertaken in full-time or part-time mode. The University has stipulated the following study periods for research degree programmes, and students are required to complete their studies, including the submission of their theses, within the said periods:

Programme of Study Full-time Part-time
PhD (students who have obtained a research master's degree before admission) 3 years 6 years
PhD (students who have not obtained a research master's degree before admission) 4 years 8 years



Nuclear Radiation Unit
Department of Physics
City University of Hong Kong
Tat Chee Ave, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong


Page last modified on 3-Jul-2017

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